Alpine Village Property Owners Association
  edited Sept 8th, 2024
Introduction to AVPOA  
The following is a brief introduction to our private community located at the north end of Pigeon Lake (approx 10 minutes east of Bobcaygeon) in Ontario, Canada.
The information contained here is to assist Realtors who deal with prospective buyers interested in property within Alpine Village. New homeowners are also encouraged to reveiw the information on this website, Membership info and the Docks & Parks page for clarity regarding the AVPOA docking regulations (per Trent Severn Waterway) and costs. Membership and docks spaces are limited. 
We welcome Realtors to contact us for other questions or concerns their prospective clients may have.  
Further, it has become necessary to clearly state that any home existing or recently sold/purchased for the purpose of an Airbnb, or any other short term rental entity will be strictly prohibited from the association. Access to association private conveyed lands, beaches, boating, boat launch and our parklands will be denied. 
The common conveyed land(s) deeded to the AVPOA are strictly for the personal and private use of property owners (within Plan 47) who maintain the status of paid members of the association. We encourage respect to the few rules and regulations described in the Code of Conduct and Mission Statement necessary to maintain harmony within our community. Membership is through application only and the sole discretion of the AVPOA Board of Directors. 
Any questions or concerns please use the Contact Us page and we will respond as promptly as possible. 
Alpine Village Property Owners Association
15 Bay Island Drive,
Trent Lakes, Ontario, 
K0M 1A0
send dues to: 
Call: 705-731-9811 
Events Page Snapshot 
AGM Sat Sept 7th - Minutes will soon be posted. 
Message from the BOD re: Short Term Rentals
Letter opposing Dewdney Quarry
Application for your residential Burn Permit can
be found on the Trent Lakes website.  
 About the Association
The Alpine Village Property Owners Association Inc. (AVPOA) is an incorporated Not for Profit Association (NPO) entity. The Letters Patent dictates the duties of the Board of Directors and is the legal instrument that dictates the rules and regulations (by-laws) for the day to day business for the association. 
The association is comprised of the membership who are among the 112 residential properties (Plan 47) within Alpine Village. There is a annual fee structure that each member of the association renews by May 1st each year. These fees collected secure the taxes and costs the association is responsible for to maintain the conveyed lands, parkland, island, nature paths. Therefore, all expenses (taxes, maintenance etc) costs are paid out of the membership dues/fees collected annually.
Application to the association is done when a new property owner moves into the community. We offer a Welcome Package with the AVPOA information, and the dues/fees to be paid for that year. Upon completion and acceptance of an application the new members will then have access to the parkland, boat launch, beaches etc. some of which are gated and locked. 
Since 1978, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held where the membership will gather and receive the prior years business reports. Also, a new Board of Directors are nominated from among the membership, for the following fiscal year.
The Board of Directors is a volunteer unpaid executive role. Business skills such as computer (microsoft), communications, book-keeping (excel), knowledge of municipality by-laws, Trent Severn Waterway, Service Ontario and most of all leadership skills are required to direct the executive team, and the membership through the four seasons. The new executive will be fiscally responsible to the membership for their participating financial year.
This maintains the continued success of the business duties of the association for the membership for 47 years.
The fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th of each year.
The AVPOA is governed by its Letters Patent and By-Laws from 1978 to most recent rulings defined by the Not for Profit Corporations Act, 2010
About this Website
The Events and Alerts is a public page that contains general information for meetings and various social activities hosted by the AVPOA. From time to time there may be alerts regarding fire restrictions, wild life activity or water system updates to be relayed for the safety of the membership.
The Parks and Docks page is a public page that expands on the cooperation of use for our parkland with regard to current events. Also municipality notices, fire regulations (temporary fire restrictions) regulatory municipality By Law changes are also posted here.
For boat owners please review the Trent Severn Rules and Regulations that governs our shoreline and waterways. Extensive information is provided on this page for existing and prospective boat owners looking for launch and docking priveleges. Dock spaces are very limited, and not transferable from previous homeowner. We also suggest to re-visit as each season approaches for regulatory changes. 
The Membership page is a quick reference for basic AVPOA information mostly to do with annual fees and renewal forms. Privacy Policy, Mission Statement and Code of Conduct are posted on this page. 
New Homeowners: As homes sell and new owners move into our community, we encourage them to contact the AVPOA. A Welcome Package will be provided that includes information and forms for application to the association. 
Annual Membership Renewal Forms; Current record keeping is ongoing part of the association business and we have streamlined the forms. Members will receive and submit the Membership renewal form every spring. These are quick and easy to do, will take about 5 minutes. 
There are several Secure pages that contain the business and private documents, reports, minutes and financials for our membership. These pages are password protected for security reasons and can only be accessed by a member who is current with their membership and dock fees. 
As you scroll through these pages, much information is repeated, this is for continued clarity on specific points. Please contact us with any concerns or questions, or if you require a paper copy of a document please go the Contact Us page and email your request.
Or you can speak with Mike direct;
Thank you for your support.
 Board of Directors
Last edit Sept 8th, 2024
Fiscal Year July 1st, 2024 - June 30, 2025 
 Mary CawkerNelson  President
 Darryl Thistel          V President 
  Norma J Nelson         Treasurer 
Jolien Carter             Secretary 
Dominic Losenno          Docks
Cindy Comtois                Parks
      Marybeth Nelson   Web Manager
Matt Bays
Mike Kelsey
Pat Sexsmith 
       Starting July 1, 2014 Canada's Anti-Spam Law will regulate all Commercial Electronic Messages sent or received by computer in Canada. This will include electronic newletters from other business affiliations and from the Alpine Village Property Owners Association.
Background: Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) was passed into law in December 2010 and comes in force on July 1, 2014. 

 There is a 3- year transition period, to July 1, 2017, for certain categories of "implied consent" as described in (a) to (c) below. CASL will regulate all "Commercial Electronic Messages" (CEMs) sent or received by computer in Canada, as well as a broad range of electronic/online activities, including digitally collecting email addresses without consent (address harvesting).
Notes;  * express consent does not expire; if someone subscribed to your email list before July 1, 2014, their consent stands until they indicate otherwise. Note: express consent cannot be obtained using a "pre-checked box" in an email; CASL is an "opt-in" regime.
* examples of implied consent that may apply to member lake association include:
a) recipient has an "existing business relationship" with a no-profit organization if the recipient was a member, purchased a prdict, good or service from the organization in the preceding two years; or, in the past six months, the organization recieved from the recipient an inquiry about a product, good or service.
b) recipient has a "non business relationship" with a non-profit organization if the recipient is not currently a member but was in the preceding two years, or volunteered for or donated to, the organization in the past two years.
c) recipient gave business card to sender, or recipient's electtronic address is "conspicuously published" (eg. online) and the recipient has not said " don't send me emails" and the CEM is relevant to the recipient's official role or duties.
Therefore; Where there is implied consent in an existing business or non-business relationship that has already included the communication of CEMs, "Businesses and people may take advantage of this transitional period (to July 1, 2017) to seek express consent for the continued sending of CEMs.
 Contact Information:


Ph: 705-731-9811 
Federation of Ontario Cottage Association:
FOCA represents over 500 cottager associations. Providing support on property taxation, healthy and sustainable environments, effective land use planning, emergency services, rural crime, fire safety, and safe boating. 
Trent Severn Waterway and Parks Canada
These are Federal and Provincial agencies who govern the waterways, lakes. They provide the guidelines that the AVPOA advocate to the dock and boat owners of the association.
Township of Trent Lakes;  formerly the Galway/Harvey/Cavendish Township
This is the Municipal Agency that provides information of the local by-laws, information for Ontario Provincial Police, OPP, Fire Department, By-Law Officers for our law abiding citizens of the municipality.